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Wodianka privacy legal + Wired Relations

Benefit from our speedy all-in-one approach: Implement a professional whistleblowing solution in line with data protection regulation.

Whistleblowing can reveal inconsistencies and help to deal with them

A whistleblower is an internal or external person who reports an illegal or irregular act by the company or an individual employee. By implementing whistleblowing system, violations can be counteracted preventively. Since whistleblowing systems will be mandatory soon, it is advisable to prepare now.

Meet our strong partner:
Wired Relations

Together with our partner Wired Relations we offer an all-in-one privacy-compliant and user-friendly solution

Our all-in-one solution saves resources and quickly enables you to deal professionally with whistleblowing in compliance with data protection regulations

Setup and operation for your company

Templates for Whistleblowing guidelines

Sample texts to inform the workforce

Checking of initial reports

Monitoring of timely processing

Protect your company and your employees with the best solution

We support you with our all-in-one solution so that data protection issues do not impair the effectiveness of the whistleblowing solution.

To achieve this we work with our partner Whistleblower Software ApS  who offers an efficient and user-friendly whistleblower solution as well as first-class data protection from a single source.

Wired Relations needs first-class data protection

At first glance, there is a conflict between the GDPR and the new whistleblower policy. While Article 15 GDPR gives the accused the right to obtain information about data concerning him, Article 16 of the directive states that the identity of the whistleblower may not be disclosed.

However, the conflict could be resolved by recital 84 of the new directive: According to this, the unrestricted effectiveness of the directive is to be established by restricting certain data protection rights through further legislative measures.

With new EU directive whistleblowing systems become mandatory.

From December 17th, 2021, a whistleblowing system will be mandatory for companies with more than 250 employees (from 2023: more than 50 employees) and municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants. The processing of the information must be GDPR compliant. Whistleblowers should be given special protection.